innovation & technology

here at CES our digital platforms celebrate the spirit and identity of people and places.

Canadian Ectotourism Services embraces innovative platforms to share your community’s story and tourism experiences through engaging audio, video, augmented reality, virtual reality, digital storytelling, e-commerce, and engagement solutions.

areas of innovation

digital storytelling

The medium may have evolved but the message is a part of the legacy. Digital Storytelling preserves and shares a community’s culture and stories through beautiful imagery, videos, audio recordings, and the written word. Share the spirit and identity of your people through a Community-Driven Site, an Interactive Tour, or Digital Storytelling. Visit Chesterfield Inlet Stories to see an example of CES’s digital storytelling.

authentic indigenous moments™ model (AIM™)

AIM™ allows entrepreneurs to post their tourism activity to a website that connects them directly with potential guests, minimizing the need for their own website and assisting them with marketing and sales.


TechTours™ is a dynamic storytelling platform that uses customized interactive maps and GPS-triggered points of interest activated on a guest’s smart device. Visitors can explore a destination at their own pace and in their own language.


CES utilizes Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to bring your stories to life through immersive, interactive visitor engagement. These leading-edge technologies can transport your guests to new environments and enhance your cultural tourism programs. Three Sisters VR Experience Trailer - Chiefswood Park

virtual marketplaces

Online marketplaces provide an opportunity for local artisans to expand their market reach and engage digitally with a broad range of potential customers. Virtual marketplaces also provide accessibility for artists to share cultural and traditional works of arts and crafts both domestically and internationally.

how does tourism benefit from
innovation and technology?


map it.

As technology becomes more prominent in everyday life, Canadian Ecotourism Services strives to bridge traditions and technology through initiatives that support and provide sustainable community development.



stories to share

Chesterfield Inlet

Community Storytelling

Supporting culture preservation through digital storytelling in the Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet


let’s connect.

It all begins with an idea. our services can help.